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Organizacja pracy własnej menadżera i pracownika. Zarządzanie: czasem, informacją, danymi, zespołami (...).

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majori have suffered alteration in some form by injected humour or randomised word which don't look even slightly believable If you are going to use a passage.

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There are variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available but the majority dumm have suffered alteration.

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Corporate Finance

There are variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available but the majority dumm have suffered alteration.

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Market Research

There are variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available but the majority dumm have suffered alteration.

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Business Analysis

There are variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available but the majority dumm have suffered alteration.

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Consumer Markets

There are variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available but the majority dumm have suffered alteration.
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Marketing & Reporting

There are variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available but the majority dumm have suffered alteration.
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